[공통] 2015-01-27 | Hit 13107
Enhanced Antidepressant-Like effects of Electroacupuncture combined with Citalopram in a rat model of depression
[공통] 2015-01-27 | Hit 12958
Acupuncture and Low dose Gabapentin effectively treat Paclitaxel induced Peripheral Neuropathy and prevent chemotherap
[공통] 2015-01-26 | Hit 12549
Acupuncture for chronic pelvic inflammatory disease: a qualitative study of patients’ insistence on treatment
[공통] 2015-01-26 | Hit 12893
A Combined Use of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Long Dan Xie Gan Tang for Treatment of 36 Cases of Chronic Pelvic Inflamm
[공통] 2015-01-26 | Hit 13222
항인지질항체 양성에 의한 습관성 유산에 대한 한약 치료연구
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13635
The multi-herbal medicine Gongjin-dan enhances memory and learning tasks via NGF regulation
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13808
Effects and treatment methods of acupuncture and herbal medicine for premenstrual syndrome/ premenstrual dysphoric disor
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 15012
Effectiveness of kamishoyosan for premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Open-labeled pilot study
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13180
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13402
Long-term efficacy of electrical pudendal nerve stimulation for urgency-frequency syndrome in women.